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时间:2022-03-05 09:31:47 公文范文 浏览量:



I am a high school graduate of -- middle school in Nanjing, JiangsuProvince in 20--. I have been re studying in -- middle school because I have notbeen admitted by the ideal university. Since 20--, influenced by my classmates,I have had the idea of studying abroad, so I learned through the Internet thatstudying in --- has many advantages. First of all, --- is a multiculturalcountry with world advanced teaching level; Second, the cost of studying abroadis lower and more reasonable than that of other countries; Third, the climate issimilar to that in the south of China. Therefore, I proposed to my parents tostudy in ---, which was supported by my parents. Because I am a girl, I likeearly childhood education since I was a child. In addition, parents in modernChina have high requirements for children"s education. If I can study earlychildhood education courses in ---, I will be able to make achievements in earlychildhood education after returning home. Therefore, I am determined to study in---. I intend to spend half a year to study English in the language college,pass the language level, and then study the professional courses of earlychildhood education. I believe I have studied high school courses for threeyears, and after one year of repetition, I have a certain foundation in learningability and knowledge level. At the same time, my parents have fi-ed jobs andrich income, and they will also get their parents" full support in studyingabroad funds. Therefore, I will be able to complete the study abroad coursewell. After returning home, I will be able to realize my desire to engage inearly childhood education and realize my life value in the cause of earlychildhood education.





















I am a high school graduate of -- middle school in Nanjing, JiangsuProvince in 20--. I have been re studying in -- middle school because I have notbeen admitted by the ideal university. Since 20--, influenced by my classmates,I have had the idea of studying abroad, so I learned through the Internet thatstudying in --- has many advantages. First of all, --- is a multiculturalcountry with world advanced teaching level; Second, the cost of studying abroadis lower and more reasonable than that of other countries; Third, the climate issimilar to that in the south of China. Therefore, I proposed to my parents tostudy in ---, which was supported by my parents. Because I am a girl, I likeearly childhood education since I was a child. In addition, parents in modernChina have high requirements for children"s education. If I can study earlychildhood education courses in ---, I will be able to make achievements in earlychildhood education after returning home. Therefore, I am determined to study in---. I intend to spend half a year to study English in the language college,pass the language level, and then study the professional courses of earlychildhood education. I believe I have studied high school courses for threeyears, and after one year of repetition, I have a certain foundation in learningability and knowledge level. At the same time, my parents have fi-ed jobs andrich income, and they will also get their parents" full support in studyingabroad funds. Therefore, I will be able to complete the study abroad coursewell. After returning home, I will be able to realize my desire to engage inearly childhood education and realize my life value in the cause of earlychildhood education.

推荐访问:香港 研究生 条件 香港研究生留学的条件和要求 香港大学研究生申请要求 申请香港的大学研究生条件 申请香港的研究生 申请到香港读大学研究生需要什么条件 香港留学申请时间研究生 考取香港研究生条件 去香港读研究生的条件 香港留学研究生留学条件 申请香港研究生需要什么条件

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