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  Autumn is clearly my favorite time of the year.


  The days have cooled down, the leaves have turned yellow and the world is busy preparing for winter.


  There’s something magical about the clear days, the first smell of the woodstove or the fireplace, the first frost, duanwenw.com the canning of the late fruit and vegetables; the pumpkin stands on the roadways.


  There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster1 in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen. Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.


  School has started and there’s newness in the air. Even though the season is to tell the coming of winter, duanwenw.com somehow, the world knows that winter is necessary and the long preparation for the cold of winter —the preparation that is autumn —is a beautiful, necessary part of the world.



  The new day is here, and so are you! Now that we’ve started this new day, I hope that you’re ready to give it your best, and enjoy it for all it’s worth!


  Remember today that you are alive.


  Sometimes we forget that you have a purpose that is all your own, no one else is you. duanwenw.com You have dreams and hopes and desires. Listen to your heart for a while.


  Remember today all the blessings you have: There’s beauty in every direction you look; enjoy the abundance* that is already yours; the world is a wonderful place and you’re here.


  Remember today that you get what you give: Your world is a mirror of your inner self; duanwenw.com love will be yours when you give it away.


  Remember today that life is creation: As long as you live you can always con-tribute your own special voice.


  Remember today is a special time; make the best of it while you can.




  Nothing that shall make the world or others poorer, nothing at the expense of other men, but just those few things which in their coming do not stop me but touch me rather, as they pass and gather strength.


  I wish that this day could bring me a few friends, who understand me, duanwenw.com and yet remain my friends; I also wish that this day could bring me a job to do which has real value.


  I wish that this day could bring me a mind unafraid to travel, and I wish that this day could bring me an understanding heart.


  I wish that this day could bring me a sight of the eternal hills, duanwenw.com and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, and of something beautiful which the hands of men have made.


  I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, duanwenw.com and the power to laugh, a little leisure with nothing to do.


  And I desire for a few moments of quiet, silent meditation* in the morning of this day.


  I also wish that this day could bring me the patience to wait for the coming of these things, with the wisdom to know them when they come, and the wit not to change this morning wish of mine.





  How you feel, how you react and how much stress you have in your life is in direct relation to how you think.


  Some people let random circumstances predict their day and actually end up creating stress for themselves. For example, when they go to make coffee and find there is none left, they may start the day by thinking, "Oh, this isn’t going to be a good day." Then, for the rest of the day, they duanwenw allow minor inconveniences, unexplained challenges or other less ideal events to reinforce their negative thought. And they end up having a stressful day.

  有些人很轻易地被周遭的事物影响自己一天的心情,结果只会徒生烦恼。例如,有些人 冲咖啡时发现咖啡没有了,他们就会以"今天会是不幸的一天"这样的想法开始一天的生活。

  然后,在这一整天的时光里,他们放任小小的不便、莫名的质疑或者其它不太顺心的小插曲 加重自己的消极思想。最后,他们一天都过得极其郁闷。

  Look forward to your day and don’t let negative thoughts control it. Change how you interpret or react to life’s events. If you run out of coffee, change your thoughts to, "If this is the worst thing that could happen to me today, then the rest of my day will be great."

  以积极的心态去期待每一天的生活,不要让消极的思想主宰你。换个角度去理解和对 待生活中的各种意外事件。若咖啡没有了,你可以转念一想:"如果这就是今天能发生的最 糟糕的事情,那么我的后半天肯定会过得无比美妙。"

  If you continually have negative thoughts, then you are allowing only negative events to be your companion for the rest of the day. And, when something good does occur, you won’t even recognize it.

  如果你一直受消极思想影响,那么你一整天看任何事都会是消极的。即使有好的事情 发生,你也不会意识到。

  The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.


  The candles themselves were nothing, but as one candle was used to light another in a dark room, the room would grow brighter.

   蜡烛本身看似不起眼,但如果点燃两根蜡烛,而非一根,黑暗的房间顿时会变得更加明 亮

  Then as each lighted candle was used to light others, the dark room would begin to glow with a wonderful brightness. In the end, as every single candle was lit, the room was bathed in the glorious, shining light of not only fire but also love and joy. It doesn’t matter how tiny a candle you may think your life is. You can use it to shine a little light and love in this world. It doesn’t matter how brief your candle flickers are and how small your flame burns right now. You can feed it, build it and watch it grow. You may think you’re your life is a tiny candle now, but you can turn it into a powerful bonfire if you would like.

  接下来,如果用一根点燃的蜡烛点亮其它蜡烛,黑暗的房间便会格外明亮。最后,当全 部蜡烛都被点燃时,整个房间就会被明亮、灿烂的光线所笼罩。这光线并非全部源于烛焰, 还源于爱与欢乐。即便你觉得自己的人生只是一根纤弱的蜡烛,你也可以用它给世界带来 光与爱。即便现在你的烛焰只能闪烁片刻,即便现在你的烛光是那么微弱,你也可以努力让 蜡烛燃烧得更加旺盛。也许你认为自己的生命好比一根微小的蜡烛,其实,只要你愿意,你 就可以将这根微小的蜡烛变成一堆熊熊的篝火。

  Light your candle today. Then use it to light all candles around you. Share your loving, joyful fire with everyone you know and everyone you meet. Feed your fire with goodness and watch it cast out all the darkness of the world.

  赶快点燃自己的那根蜡烛吧!用它去点亮你身边的所有蜡烛。与你身边的每一个人分 享充满爱与欢乐的烛焰。让友善使你的烛光更加灿烂,并静观它去驱逐世间的黑暗。

  To conquer our fears, we must go past them.


  To fear is natural; to go past them is heroic. Fear is a normal part of life, symbolizing that there are new, extraordinary things to come across and face. To be able to see these things before they happen is a sign of wisdom. Fear is nothing out of the ordinary. To admit that we are fearing is to prove that we value our life.

  恐惧是一件很自然的事,但克服恐惧却是一种英勇的行为。恐惧是日常生活中不可或 缺的一部分,它意味着我们要去面对和处理层出不穷的、意想不到的事情。能够预知将要 发生的事情是一种智慧。恐惧并不是什么稀奇事儿,而且承认恐惧是证明我们珍视生命的 有力证据。

   And men should pay attention to the call of fears. To truly be a leader or someone who is heroic and brave, we should focus on getting past these fears. And it is frightful for people to go through life ignoring fears, because they may often forget their heart and step into life without responsibility.

  人人都应该对恐惧的到来有先见之明。要想成为真正的佼佼者或者英勇之人,我们就 必须集中精力去正视恐惧。那些在生活中忽视恐惧的人是非常可怕的,因为他们不仅常常 违背自己的心意,而且在缺少责任心中苟且偷生。

  To be born is to live. To live is to fear. To fear is to be challenged. To accept our fears is to be mature. It needs bravery, maturity and vitality to face our fears, accept the challenges and hope for the best.

  生者为生,生来为惧,惧为应站,迎惧者谙事理。要想正视恐惧、接受挑战、憧憬美好 未来,那就要具备大无畏的勇气、成熟的心智与顽强的生命力。











  永不止步Never Stop Reaching

  It is only when a seed grows that it can produce more seeds. It is only when you express joy and satisfaction in your own life that you can help others to know joy and satisfaction in their lives.种子只有在生发时,才能结出更多的种子;你只有在自己的生命中表现


  Its no use making yourself miserable for the sake of helping others. The best way to help others is from a position of strength and fulfillment rather than from a position of weakness and despair.为帮助他人而使你自己痛苦是没用的,帮助他人的最佳方式是立于坚强


   The goals, dreams and desires you have are yours for a reason. They are there to show you and force you to make the most of your life.


  It is not selfish to be your very best. Whats truly selfish is to let your huge potential go unrealized.



  What have you always wanted to know, always wanted to

  have,duanwenw always wanted to do, and always wanted to be? It is never too late to honestly answer this question, and to answer it with all the colorful details and passion that it deserves.


  The answer to that question is your truly beautiful and unique gift to life. Never stop reaching for the best you can imagine; for when you fulfill your highest potential, you raise the whole world with you.




  A funny bone could be a lifesaver. Besides, it makes lifes adversities easier to handle.


  Dr.Noman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness, is a prime example of how a person can cure himself of a terminal illness.的作者诺曼.库辛博士,是展现人在末期病症中成功进行自我治疗的重要例子。

  He had a 1/500 chance of recovery, but Cousins wanted to prove that if there was anything like mind over matter, hes make it a reality. He figured if negative emotions caused negative chemicals in our body, then the reverse must be true too. Positive emotions, duanwenw like happiness and laughter, would bring positive chemicals into our system. He moved from the hospital to a hotel and rented humorous movies and literally cured himself by laughing.库辛博士原来只有五百分之一的康复机会,但他想用自己来证明,在疾病抗争的过程中,心态比一切重要,结果他做到了。他推断,如果消极的情绪会在身体中产生不良化学物质,那么反之亦然。积极的情绪,如快乐与欢笑可以给我们身体带来积极影响。于是他搬离医院,住进酒店,还租了很多幽默片来看最后,他用欢笑治愈了自己。

  Of course, medical help is important, duanwenw but the will to

   live for the patient is equally if not more important。




  One day, if someone gets up on the right side of the bed and calls me and says: You are the greatest person on earth. You are doing a great job and I want you to know I am honored to call you a friend."

  I know he is sincere. How does it make me fell? Great. But the next day, duanwenwcom he gets up on the wrong side side of the bed, picks up the phone and says:" You rascal, you cheat, you crook! You are biggest fraud in town." How does it make me feel? Terrible.


  So the first day when he says, "You are the greatest guy," I feel great and the next day when he says, "you rascal," I feel terrible. Who is controlling my life? Obviously, he is, Is that the way I want to through life? Not at all. That is being externally driven.

  第一天,他说:"你是最棒的人"时,我感觉良好。而第二天,当他说: "你是恶棍"时我感觉糟糕。谁在操纵我的生活?很明显是他。难道这就是


  I want to be internally driven. When he calls me and says I am the greatest guy it is good to hear those words. But even if he doesnt say those words, in my own estimation, I am still a god human being. And the next day when he rips me apart, he cant really, because in my own estimation, duanwenw I am still a good human being. When people make statements like, "You make me angry, " the focus of control is external. But if I say I am angry or I choose to be angry, the focus of control is internal.


  No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.




  Passages for Reading


  It is known to all that smoking is bad for health. Scientific research show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problem. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.

  Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior,and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to be given up. Another reason is the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.

  Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.

  2.MyFirst Job

  Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. At the night before my first day,I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant.

  In a great hurry, I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in!

  Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A fewhours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.


  Money is what everybody desires. It can be used to buy food, clothes, books, bicycle, furniture and many other things people need or want.

  Money is considered by many people as the most important thing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house to live in, fashionable clothes to put on, and a nice bicycle to ride. And with money, they can employ attendants to serve them. In a word, money can make people comfortable and bring them happiness.

  However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Sincemoney is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. By hook or by crook, they try to make money. To get more money, they gamble, swindle, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail or even to the execution grounds.

  Of course money is useful and desirable, yet we should make money in proper way and spend our money on proper things.

  4.My View on Opportunity

  Different people have different views on opportunity. It is held that there are few opportunities. But it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

  Those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. In contrast, those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have anyopportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.

  As to me, I agree with the latter. Admittedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself. In most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. For example, many people lost their jobs in recent years. Some people wait for opportunities in vain. However, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. Eventually they become employers themselves.

  Therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.

  5. Job-hopping

  Different people have different views on job-hopping. Some people would like to always engage in one work because they think that if one sticks to one work, he will be quite familiar and skillful with the work. However, others would like to change jobs constantly because they consider it fashionable to do so and besides they think they can get different work experiences.

  As to me, I am in favor of the former group of people's attitude. I think that if one always works in one field, he can accumulate a lot of experience in that field which in turn will further improve his work. Therefore he will become an expert in that field. However, if one hops from one job to another, he can never amass experience in one field. Although he can get different work experiences, he can't make use of these experiences in one particular work. Therefore, he will always be a jack-of-all-trades.

  In conclusion, if one wants to be an expert in one field, he should not hop from one job to another.

  Passage 6

  I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a smallvillage in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words,I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!

  Passage 7

  Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can't hear a word!" I said angrily. "It’s none of your business," the young man said Rudely."This is a private conversation!"




  适合每日朗读的英语小短文 Today, as the life standard has improved, people have more money to

  chase amusement, travel is their first choice. So there are a lot of people on the journey during the public vacation, some people even quit their jobs to do it. The trip without plan was favored by many people since a few years ago, it was the attitude towards life.

  今天,随着生活水平的提高,人们有更多的钱去追逐娱乐,旅行是他们的第一 选择。因此在公共假期期间,有很多人在旅途中,有些人甚至放弃自己的工作去 旅游。说走就走的旅行在几年前就受到了欢迎,这是一种生活态度。

  Though people are proud of taking the independent travel, especially when they just go anytime and anywhere, only a few people take action. Some day, as I had the long summer vacation, I suddenly had the idea that I could take a trip without plan. So I asked two of my friends to joined my team. We booked the tickets and and hotel, then the next day, we took the train. We talked and appreciated the scenery outside the window. When we arrived the city, we just walked along the street and enjoyed the feature.

  虽然人们为独立旅行而感受自豪,特别是当他们可以随时随地走,但是只有 少数人采取行动。有一天,由于我有漫长的暑假,我突然有个主意,我可以来一场 说走就走的旅行。所以我叫了两个朋友来加入我的团队。我们订了车票和酒店, 然后第二天,乘火车走了。我们聊着天,欣赏着窗外的风景。当我们到达这个城市 时,沿着街道走,享受这个城市的特色。

  It was such great experience for me, sometimes we consider so many things and miss the joy of life. Taking a trip without burden and just go to any place you want once in your life.

  这段经历对我来说是如此的美妙,有时候我们考虑太多,错过了生活中的快 乐。来一场没有负担的旅行,去任何你曾经想去的地方。


   Many people have the difficulty to make decision, because they have no idea what they want and then just follow the crowd. When they realize what they want, they feel regretful. For the lucky person, they have the chance to restart, while for some don’t, they just live the life without passion.

  许多人很难做出决定,因为他们不知道自己想要什么,然后只是随大流。当他 们意识到他们想要的东西时,会感到遗憾。幸运的人,他们有机会重来,而对于一 些不幸运的人,他们过着没有激情的生活。

  I remembered before we went to college, we needed to choose the major. Most students did not know what to do, so they made a survey, the hot major which was believed to have the promising future was their first choice. As they studied, some would find they had no interest but they just couldn’t give up. If they thought twice before act, then they would not follow the crowd.

  我记得在我们上大学之前,我们需要选择专业。大多数学生不知道要做什么, 所以他们做了一个调查,被认为最有前途的热门专业是他们的第一选择。当他们 在学习专业的时候,有些人会发现他们毫无兴趣,但是又不能放弃。如果深思熟虑, 那么他们就不会随波逐流。

  I appreciate the saying that you are so special, why you have to follow the crowd. Indeed, some make their decision for the purpose of catering for others, which go against their will. If people lose their individuality, they lose their soul.




  Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you are truly confident, it radiates1 from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like a magnet.

  信心成就一切。当你真正自信时,它就像灿烂的阳光一样从你身上散发出来,就像磁铁 一样将成功吸引到你身上。

  It’s very important to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it under any circumstances, because if you believe you can, then you really will. The belief keeps you searching for

  answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.

  相信自己非常重要。要相信自己在任何情况下都会成功,因为如果你相信你能做到,那 么你就真的会做到。这种信念促使你不断地去寻找答案,而不断地探索就意味着你很快就 会找到答案。

  Confidence is more than an attitude. It comes from knowing exactly where you are going and exactly how you are going to get there. It comes from acting with integrity3 and confidence. It

  comes from a strong sense of purpose. It comes from a strong commitment to take responsibility, rather duanwenw than just letting life happen.

  信心不只是一种态度。它来源于你确切地知道自己要去干什么并且确切地知道怎么去 干。它来源于正直和自信地去行动。它来源于坚强的决心。它来源于强烈地勇于承担责任 的许诺,而不是放任生命的流逝。

  One way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and to get a record of successful experiences behind you.


  Confidence is compassionate4 and understanding. It is not arrogant. duanwenw Arrogance is born out of fear and insecurity, while confidence comes from strength and integrity.

  信心是富有同情心和善解人意的。它一点都不傲慢自大。傲慢是由于害怕和缺乏安全 感才产生,而信心则出于坚强决心和诚实正直。

  Confidence is not just believing you can do it. Confidence is knowing you can do it. Know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you want, and live your life with confidence.

   信心并不是仅仅认为你可能会成功,信心是确信你一定能成功。确信你有能力实现你 的愿望,并充满信心地生活着。

  Anything can be achieved through focused, determined effort and selfconfidence. If your life is not what you want duanwenw it to be, you have the power to change it, and you must make

  the changes on a moment by moment basis. Live your priorities. Live with your goals and your plan of action. Live each moment with your priorities in mind. Act with your own purpose, and you

  will have the life you want.

  如果你足够专心、坚决和自信,任何事都能做成。如果生活不像你预想的那样,你有力 量去改变它,并且你必须一步一步地实现这些改变。铭记你生命中最重要的事。有目标并 且有计划地去生活。时刻铭记你生命中最重要的事。为你的目标而奋斗,你就会拥有自己 想要的生活。

  It can carve hard lines on beautiful faces and wear out youth year after year, but using it well can make a piece of simple stone into a great statue. St. Mary Academy is still a simple piece

  of white stone briefly carved, but as time marches on, duanwenw, it may be spoiled by dust, worn out by weather, or broken into separate pieces. It may be also carefully carved by knife

  into wonderful statues. Everyone at school, including our schoolmates, controls this knife.



  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  Passages for Reading

  时间 2021.03.10


  1. Smoking

  It is known to all that smoking is bad for health. Scientific research show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problem. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.

  Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior,and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to be given up. Another reason is the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.

  Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking is

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.

  2. My First Job

  Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. At the night before my first day, I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant.

  In a great hurry, I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in!

  Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  dinner at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.

  3. Money Money is what everybody desires. It can be used to buy food, clothes, books, bicycle, furniture and many other things people need or want. Money is considered by many people as the most important thing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house to live in, fashionable clothes to put on, and a nice bicycle to ride. And with money, they can employ attendants to serve them. In a word, money can make people comfortable and bring them happiness. However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Since money is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. By hook or by crook, they try to make money. To get more money, they gamble, swindle, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail or even to the execution

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

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   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  grounds. Of course money is useful and desirable, yet we should

  make money in proper way and spend our money on proper things.

  4. My View on Opportunity

  Different people have different views on opportunity. It is held that there are few opportunities. But it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

  Those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. In contrast, those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.

  As to me, I agree with the latter. Admittedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself. In most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. For example, many people lost their jobs in

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

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   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

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  recent years. Some people wait for opportunities in vain. However, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. Eventually they become employers themselves.

  Therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.

  5. Job-hopping Different people have different views on job-hopping. Some people would like to always engage in one work because they think that if one sticks to one work, he will be quite familiar and skillful with the work. However, others would like to change jobs constantly because they consider it fashionable to do so and besides they think they can get different work experiences. As to me, I am in favor of the former group of people's attitude. I think that if one always works in one field, he can accumulate a lot of experience in that field which in turn will further improve his work. Therefore he will become an expert in that field. However, if one hops from one job to another, he can never amass experience

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  in one field. Although he can get different work experiences, he can't make use of these experiences in one particular work. Therefore, he will always be a jack-of-all-trades.

  In conclusion, if one wants to be an expert in one field, he should not hop from one job to another.

  Passage 6 I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words,I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!

  Passage 7 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young

  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

   欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10

  man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They

  were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the

  actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the

  woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end,

  I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can't hear a

  word!" I said angrily. "It’s none of your business," the

  young man said Rudely."This is a private conversation!"

  时间 2021.03.10


  欧阳治创编 欧阳治创编

  2021.03.10 2021.03.10




  英语是一种西日耳曼语,在中世纪早期的英国最早被使用, 并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。本站为大 家整理的相关的关于每日英语短文朗读供大家参考选择。


  Many years ago, working in the big cities is most college students’ goal, because big cities provide students more chances to get successful. But now, things have changed, many students choose to work as the village officials.

  许多年前,在大城市工作是大多数大学生目标,因为大城市提 供学生更多的机会获得成功。但是现在,事情发生了变化,许多学 生选择做村官。

  First, the government encourages college students to work in the village and it provides many advantages for college students when they finished the service. The students will be endowed with some priorities when they take part in the exam of civil servants. It is so alluring, so they are willing to spend a few years’ youth to get the priorities.

  首先,政府鼓励大学生到乡村工作,当他们完成了这项服务, 政府为大学生提供了很多优势。当大学生参加公务员的考试,将

   被赋予一些优先权力。面对如此强烈的诱惑,他们愿意花几年的 青春去获得优先权。

  Second, it is good for college students to serve in the village. They are knowledgeable and have the advanced skills. They can return the society, at the same time, they will bring some good changes to the village. When people find a way to make a contribution to the society, they will be very satisfied and proud of themselves.



  当人们找到一种方法来对社会做出贡献,他们会非常满意和为自 己自豪。

  In the future, there will be more and more college students choose to work as village officials. It is good for them to make a contribution to the society.

  在未来,将会有越来越多的大学生选择村官工作。对他们而 言,为社会做出贡献是好的。


  It has been obvious that Chinese economy develops very fast because of the policy of reform and open. More and more people get rich, they can buy what they want, as people’s life standard

   improves, people begin to chase after material, they use the money to buy brand, just to enjoy the feeling of spending money. The money should be spent in a reasonable way.

  很显然的,中国的经济发展很快,因为改革开放的政策。越 来越多的人变得富有,他们可以买自己想要的,随着人们生活水 平的提高,人们开始追求物质,他们用钱来买牌子,仅仅是为了 享受花钱的感觉。然而钱应该花得合理点。

  When we listen to the young people, we can find that they care about the brand so much. For boys, they talk about the cars, they get to know every brand of the car and judge people according to the price. For girls, they like to make up, they talk about the clothes’ brand, they like to compare with each other in a way of comparing the clothes’ price.


  对于男孩子来说,他们谈论车子,了解车子的每个牌子,根据价 格来判断人。对于女孩子来说,她们喜欢化妆,谈论衣服的牌子, 她们喜欢通过比较衣服的价格来彼此攀比。

  When people get rich, they want to use the money to buy the enjoyable feeling, brand is the best way to show their status, so people will chase after the brand. But they always get in the trap of chasing after the brand blindly, they can use the money in

   the reasonable way. 当人们变得富裕,他们想要通过使用钱来买享受的感觉,牌

  子是显示他们地位的最好方式,所以人们会追求牌子。但是他们 总是陷入了盲目追求牌子的陷阱,他们可以通过合理方式来消费 金钱。

  Though with much money, people don’t have to buy the expensive thing to show off themselves, with less money, they still can buy the things as good as the brand.

  虽然有很多钱,但是人们没有必要去买贵的东西来炫耀自己, 即使钱没那么多,他们仍然可以买到和牌子一样好的东西。


  Learning the English songs is one of the efficient ways to learn English. It can catch the students’ interest and the rhythm helps them to remember the words better. Most students learn English songs from the classic groups, like Backstreet Boys. While the group Westlife shares the same reputation.

  学习英文歌曲是学习英语的有效方法之一。它能抓住学生的 兴趣,而且节奏可以帮助他们更好地记住单词。大多数学生学习 英语歌曲从经典组合开始,比如后街男孩。而团体西城男孩有着 同样的声誉。

  In China, most young people have heard about the songs

   from Westlife. It is a group from Ireland and they got famous in the early 20XX 年 . At first, this group was made up of five handsome boys, but one boy left the group later. Their songs are lyric styles and are welcomed by the Asian fans especially. The songs like My Love and You Raise Me Up are known to all.

  在中国,大多数年轻人听过西城男孩的歌曲。这个团体来自 爱尔兰,他们早在 20XX 年就出名了。起初,这个小组是由五个英俊 的男孩,但其中一个男孩后面退团了。他们的歌曲是抒情风格,尤 其受到亚洲歌迷的欢迎。歌曲如《我的爱》和《你鼓舞了我》是 众所周知的。

  Westlife has created many records. They have the most champion songs for the group, which making them the most popular singers around the world. Every group will has its end day, so as to Westlife, they dismissed a few years ago. But today still a lot of fans remember them and hope to see them again.

  西城男孩创造了很多记录。他们是拥有最多冠军歌曲的团体, 这使得他们是世界上最受欢迎的歌手。每个组合都会有解散的一 天,西城男孩也不例外,他们几年前就解散了。但今天仍然有很多 歌迷还记得他们,希望能再看到他们。




  It is known to all that smoking is bad for health. Scientific research show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problem. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.

  Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior,and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to be given up. Another reason is the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.

  Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking.

  2.MyFirst Job

  Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. At the night before my first day,I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant.

  In a great hurry, I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in!

  Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something through my experience.


  Money is what everybody desires. It can be used to buy food, clothes, books, bicycle, furniture and many other things people need or want.

  Money is considered by many people as the most important thing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house to live in, fashionable clothes to put on, and a nice bicycle to ride. And with money, they can employ attendants to serve them. In a word, money can make people comfortable and bring them happiness.

  However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Sincemoney is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. By hook or by crook, they try to make money. To get more money, theygamble, swindle, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail or even to the execution grounds.

  Of course money is useful and desirable, yet we should make money in proper way and spend our money on proper things.

  4.My View on Opportunity

  Different people have different views on opportunity. It is held that there are few opportunities. But it is also held that there are opportunities everywhere.

  Those who hold the first opinion think that there are too many people and there is always an intense competition for limited opportunities. In contrast, those who hold the second view think that if one is not prepared, he can hardly have any opportunities: however, if one is prepared, he can have a lot of opportunities.

  As to me, I agree with the latter. Admittedly,there is really an intense competition for limited opportunities, but it is not to say the one can't create opportunities himself. In most cases opportunities are created by people themselves. For example, many people lost their jobs in recent years. Some people wait for opportunities in vain. However, others create opportunities themselves and get self-employed. Eventually they become employers themselves.

  Therefore, to some extent, one can take his destiny into his own hands.

  5. Job-hopping

  Different people have different views on job-hopping. Some people would like to always engage in one work because they think that if one sticks to one work, he will be quite familiar and skillful with the work. However, others would like to change jobs constantly because they consider it fashionable to do so and besides they think they can get different work experiences.

  As to me, I am in favor of the former group of people's attitude. I think that if one always works in one field, he can accumulate a lot of experience in that field which in turn will further improve his work. Therefore he will become an expert in that field. However, if one hops from one job to another, he can never amass experience in one field. Although he can get different work experiences, he can't make use of these experiences in one particular work. Therefore, he will always be a jack-of-all-trades.

  In conclusion, if one wants to be an expert in one field, he should not hop from one job to another.

  Passage 6

  I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. Assoon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words,I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!

  Passage 7

  Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can't hear a word!" I said angrily. "It’s none of your business," the young man said Rudely."This is a private conversation!"





  If you want success in business or in life, you need to start living your life based on your dreams, not your circumstances. The most successful people in the world know that the place in

  life you have right now isn’t a place you need to stay.



  Before becoming a box office superstar, Jim Carrey was homeless and lived in his car. He now is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood.

  在成为一名票房明星之前,金·凯瑞无家可归,只能住在汽车里。如今,他已是好莱坞 万众瞩目的演员之一。

  J.K. Rowling, the author of the successful Harry Potter series, was divorced, unemployed and living on welfare before she published her first book. It’s now said that she has more money than

  the queen of England.

  《哈利·波特》系列丛书的作者 J.K.罗琳,在出版自己的第一本书之前正承受着离婚 和失业的痛苦,只能靠福利金生活。但据说现在她比英国女王还要富有。

  So what does all this have to do with you? Both the two people come from unpleasant circumstances. duanwenw Their lives were so hard that it would have been extremely easy for them to

  give up their dreams. But your circumstances don’t make you who you are, and no situation lasts forever. If you want success, you need to start living and thinking as if you were successful.

  That doesn’t mean spending money you don’t have, but it does mean walking with your head up and presenting yourself as a positive, motivated and successful person.

  但是,这些和你有什么关系呢?这两个人都来自窘困的环境。他们都曾生活艰难,放弃 梦想对他们来说易如反掌。但是,当前的境况不能决定你的人生,没有任何一种境况会持续 永久。如果你想成功,你就要开始像一个成功的人一样生活和思考。这并不意味着你要去 挥霍你原本就不拥有的金钱,而是应该抬起头走路,以积极、进取和成功的姿态展现自己。

   Nobody wants to be in business with a negative person with no confidence. duanwenw When you start living the life you want instead of the life you are accepting, everything starts

  changing for the better.

  没有人愿意和态度消极而缺乏信心的人共事。当你开始过你想要的生活而非你所接受 的生活时,一切都会向好的方向转变。

  Success is something anyone can have. Start living as if you’re going to be one of the successful people, and soon you will be!



  As an introduction to a blog says, life can be poor and life can be lonely, but what we can never lose is the beating heart of life itself.

  诚如一篇博客的引言所说,生活可能会贫穷,生命可能会孤独,但是,我们永远不可能失 去的是生命本身所具有的一颗跃动的心。

  Everyone is busy these days, driven to get somewhere —but do they know where? Something important falls by the wayside as they rush, and then they begin to complain about a boring and

  mechanical* life with no vitality or newness, but we are the producers of our own lives. If our lives are poor or lonely, we’ve made them so ourselves, and can change them.

  现在的人们整天都忙得不亦乐乎,被驱使到这儿到那儿——但是他们知道要去哪儿吗? 当他们驾车飞驰而过的时候,某些重要的东西却被遗忘在路旁了,于是,他们开始抱怨生活 枯燥呆板,缺少活力和新意。但是,我们才是生活的创造者。如果,生活贫穷而孤独,那是我 们自己创造了这样的生活,我们可以去改变它们。


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